The chronicling of a journey...

With reference to my blogging, it was recently pointed out that I was doing a pretty good job of chronicling my life — and even more recently, I received an email from someone who mentioned that they could identify with a blog I had written, and appreciated my "mentorship".


Considering my initial reasons for blogging were to articulate my domain expertise with regard to solving sales and marketing problems, become a better writer, and better understand social media strategy, the chronicling and mentorship accolades were an unexpected bonus. From the beginning I have blogged in five subject matter areas:

  • Change and Adaption
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Leadership
  • Execution
  • The Journeyman and the Human Condition

I suppose the frequency of what I write about depends on what business I have going on at the moment, what comes out of my conversations with people, and whatever life happens to offer up at any given time. I do remember making a conscious decision to embrace topics on the human condition more frequently because like life, sales and marketing problems are multi-dimensional (and frankly, more often than not, it's all one in the same anyway). There's something important that comes with chronicling your thoughts and ideas (be it in a blog, a video, or a pod cast) because its a tangible proxy of who you are and what you can do; more importantly, there is a permanency that allows others to engage (be it now or later). For me, blogging serves me well because I simply can't stand the sound of my voice (let alone look at myself on video)... so I say find your sweet spot and develop it.

When I asked the person who comment on my blog what she wanted, she went on to offer up what most 30-something corporate professionals seem to want —

What do I want? Three year plan- 

  1. Grow into a people management position in the company and work towards a global role. Interested in the Asian markets.

  2. Teach part time.

  3. Keep working on my entrepreneurial endeavours

Life goal... grow and explore new things, keep teaching. More importantly, keep moving forward.

When she asked what I wanted, this is what I said (which I suspect is what most 50-something people might say in one form or an other)

Me?  it’s all about legacy now... a legacy family property for my daughter to escape the city, a legacy in who I help with their "travels", and health to serve the two...

In the end I think he is right about me chronicling my professional endeavours as I weave myself through the trials and tribulations of helping companies with their sales and marketing problems, helping startups, understanding new technologies like Blockchain, and uncovering opportunities where I can help — all the while, embracing being that journeyman and experiencing the human condition.

One way or another, it's all about what we are doing as we strive to meet our goals ... although I can't help but encourage you to think about chronically your journey because we would all be better for hearing about it.


But I am rich...


Recently I was texting someone about my Blockchain adventures and how I was participating in an ICO  — the response was, "Let me know when you are rich" (plus a smiley face). To that I responded matter-of- factly — 

"Well I have a loving daughter, lots of deep friendships, I have my health, I'm still eager to learn things, I live in Canada, I laugh more than I cry, and I've seen enough of the world to want to see more... I am already rich"

I will admit I am hesitant to even write about this because wealth (and its proxy money) is a topic that can galvanize, inflame, divide and inspire all at the same time... it's such a loaded topic. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate what "means" can offer (my term for money) — it can give you a more comfortable life, bring influence, help you attain better health, and buys you all kinds of "stuff". I understand and buy into why we want money, but there is always the ever present question, "Does money indicate you're rich?" (as well as its many other iterations).

"Having money simply indicates you have money", and I am always hesitant to correlate it with being rich, being successful, being smart, being happy, or anything else you may want to use money to identify with.

I suppose it comes down to what is important to you and the indicators you use for achievement. I will say quite candidly though, this whole topic can easily become a big semantically and philosophical mess, and in my experience never leads anywhere good when money is used as a life indicator. As a general rule I rarely talk about money.

That is unless of we are talking about managing OPEX, revenue forecasting, or raising money for a venture — then I'm all in.


If you are a Millennial this is what you need to know about me...


There was a time (which I admit seems like many lifetimes ago) where I was actively involved in hiring and working with people at the very, very end of the Gen X tail and at the very beginning of the Millennial generation (or in those days what we affectionately called the whY Generation) — frankly I'm not sure the distinction even matters because they all came to the table with great potential. It was a time of "high adventure"... with countless memories and stories that come with that kind of swashbuckling.

One such memory involved us in a classroom with everyone seated in that classic U shape arrangement listening to one of my colleagues at the front of the room; another colleague and I were seated at the back observing. As we were whispering to each other (which I will admit can be rude), a person close to us turned and said, "You're judging us aren't you?"

There was a moment of confusion and then I looked at her and said, "No we aren't". Then I motioned for her to pay attention to the front, looked back at my colleague, and stopped whispering (well for a little while at least) — again I will reiterate the whispering was a little rude. I will never forget the question though (or the concern that could be heard in her voice).

Now fast forward a little more than a decade when just last week I was talking to a Millennial about his website; when I asked for the web address he said sure, and then went onto ask me not to be "judgy"

I think maybe it's time for some clarification, and to set the record straight when it comes to me.

For the record —

  • Of all the generations I've worked with so far I like the Millennials the best. 
  • I never judge when I'm having a discussion (or working) with Millennials — sadly, I wish I could say the same when it comes to Boomers.
  • I'm not a "hater"; I don't "bully", and I'm generally not "mean".
  • I'm respectful.
  • I have opinions (and if I'm honest, more opinions than I have earned the right to have)
  • I believe "candor" is important.

I think it's important to call out the last point because it's crucial to understand what candor is not

Candor is not "bullying", or being "judgy", or being a "hater", or any other word you decide to use when you don't like what is being said (or you disagree). If I candidly offer you constructive input and you say I'm being "judgy" or a "hater", et cetera, et cetera — well that's on you; not me.

I will always offer a safe and respectful place, and will not judge (or hate, or bully) — even when you don't like what I have to say.

That doesn't happen so much in the "real world" because as we all know, it's a "judgy" place.

Dedicated to L, R and A.
