A simple journeyman of life and the human condition; involved in all the stratagems along the way.

It's opener there
in the wide open air. 
Out there things can happen
and frequently do
to people as brainy
and footsy as you.

                                                        -Dr Suess

                  Light and Love

I am asked every so often, "Why a unicorn?"  Mostly this happens when I offer my business card, but sometimes it enters the conversation randomly. I am quick to correct people and say it is a "Scottish Unicorn", and then point out that I am part Scottish on my mother's side and that I identify with the strength, rarity and mystical nature that comes with this noble beast. Depending on the situation, and if I am so inclined, I may also show them the tattoo of a "Scottish Unicorn" on my calf which also has the words "Light and Love" inscribed... two respectable pursuits in my mind. 

Down a small side street in Reykjavik 

If asked to pick one word to describe myself that word would be "contrarian". I have found that by its very nature and in its various forms, being a contrarian will take you down the "road less travelled", have you look at the world differently then most, help see things that many may overlook, and discover people, places and things that will change you forever. My Myers-Briggs profile categorizes me as an INTP which marks me with a quiet, stoic, modest, and aloof exterior that masks strong creativity and enthusiasm for novel possibilities. I am not so sure about being quiet because it's been pointed out more than once I have a very big laugh. INTPs are considered relatively rare, and I suppose this may offer some insight into my affinity for the unicorn. 

The trials and tribulations of life has given me a beautiful daughter who I am so very proud of, some amazing life experiences, and friends who span a lifetime; of course there have been challenges, lost loves, and family and friends who have departed before their time but in the end, life continues to be something wonderful to explore, appreciate and make the most of.
