Moments — I've always liked the story and wanted to share

A man was walking along minding his own business when inexplicably he fell into a hole, and as much as he tried, he just couldn’t get out. As he looked up he could see people walking by and started asking for help.


Soon after a doctor stopped. After assessing the situation he wrote out a prescription and threw it into the hole. “This should help”, he said as he walked away..

A little while later a religious man, after hearing his pleas, stopped. After some discussion, the religious man offered thoughts on the scriptures and how they can help. He looked to the heavens, nodded, and continued on his way.

As the man continued to watch people walk by he noticed a friend. “Hey friend”, he shouted, “Can you help me get out of this hole?” His friend, after hearing his request, jumped into the hole and landed right beside him.

The man looked at his friend and asked, “What did you do that for? Now we are both stuck in this hole!”

His friend looked at him and responded, “Yes we are… but I‘ve been here before, and I know the way out”

As I say, I’ve always liked this story and I will leave it up to you to decide if you want to share and discuss it on your next virtual cocktail hour.

Covid 19 has us all in the same hole, and for what it’s worth, this is the way out —

  • Stay as healthy as you can. Exercise, eat well, and get lots of sleep.

  • Work very hard to not to catch SARS-CoV-2 (It’s the virus that causes Covid-19)

    • Practice social distancing

    • Wash you hands often

    • Outside is better than inside. If you are inside with people who are not in your “virus free bubble” wear a mask.

    • Be patient.

  • It’s important to be a friend.

Stay healthy and safe.
