Happy New Year — a word for your consideration
Pixaby — Tumisu
As we enter 2025, you can’t help but reflect on the last couple of years — 2023 was the first full year after the pandemic, and that was a dumpster fire as we made our way back to some sort of normalcy. With regard to 2024, I am not even sure how to define it but it did seem that nothing worked the way it used to; systems failed often, things that used to work didn’t, institutions were affectionately dropping the ball.
And that brings us to 2025.
I should mention I am not much of a futurist and my perspective is Canadian so here goes — politically there will be a shift to the right of centre in the near future as Canada goes to the polls; we are losing the geographic advantages of the GREAT WHITE NORTH with climate change and a warming arctic, more aggressive global trade policies and Canada’s declining position on the global stage. It seems that fires and floods are a regular occurrence for us; economic productivity is on the edge of decline, and there seems to be an underlying tone of concern and grievance. Just sounds like a “WTF scenario” to me.
And this brings me to my word for consideration — a·dapt·a·bil·i·ty (/əˌdaptəˈbilədē/), a noun. It’s the quality of being able to adjust to new conditions or the capacity to be modified for a new use or purpose.
Change is in the air for 2025 and like it or not, you will need to deal with it; Adaptability is the quality that helps you navigate a dynamic and changing world. So how do you become adaptable? A big question for sure, with an answer bigger than this 500 word blog but I will offer some food for thought for becoming more adaptable — change your belief that there is a hard right or wrong, don’t believe there is such thing as a sacred cow, and it’s important to be curious about all things that are new. That will get you started as you define what adaptability means to yourself.
So that’s my word for 2025 — you may not like it or think it isn’t appropriate, and that is fair. All I can suggest is find something you can tether yourself to emotionally and intellectually as you manage through 2025. It is going to be a wild one, so buckle up. In the meantime, as I count the clock down to 2025, I will enjoy a fine Pinot Noir from California because I have such fond memories.
On the first day of 2025, I will include an early bike ride because I have some races to get ready for and I am still adapting to my new wheels.